The largest dataset on Brazilian Participatory Budgeting (PB)


The Brazilian Participatory Budgeting Census is a dataset that I began collecting in 2008. It integrates and updates previous data collection efforts by Ribeiro and De Grazia (1997-2002), Avritzer and Wampler (2004). It covers all the cities with more than 50000 inhabitants in Brazil from 1989 to 2012 and identifies those that have implemented Participatory Budgeting. The dataset has different sample size depending on the base population year, but it contains approximately 500 cities for 6 time periods (4 year interval).


The census is based on a two step methodology. First an internet research is conducted to identify elements that might point to the presence of participatory budgeting in a city. Then each potential candidate is contacted by phone to confirm that indeed the city has implemented participatory budgeting. The dataset uses a four year coding scheme that follows the electoral cycle and a city is coded as having implemented participatory budgeting if it has completed at least two cycles of participatory budgeting. Participatory budgeting is defined following Sintomer's five criteria.


The census was insofar conducted twice, the first time in the spring of 2008 and the second time in the spring of 2012.


In 2012, together with Brian Wampler, Mike Touchton and Denilson Coelho, we included a more detailed telephonic survey in the census to obtain data on the variety of designs of participatory budgeting. The PB Census is geolocated and easily integrates with existing datasets mantained by IPEA, TSE, and IBGE. Using the survey we just completed a first preliminary study that investigates the differences between cities adopting traditional PB and cities adopting e-PB.


The next iteration of the census will occur in 2016. The data is available on participedia (licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0).


We are currently in the process of applying for funding to extend the census beyond Brazil.


News 2024


The PB Brazilian Census online phase is completed


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I got a bit of funding to redo the Brazilian PB Census


News 2023


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